Owen Diviney

CALL US : 00 353 87 9293490

The importance of volunteer work..
Some of the benefits...
Mental health – volunteering is great for your mental health and has been shown to help with depression. Taking time out from your own stresses and problems to help others can really lift your mood
New skills – volunteering enables you to learn new skills
Meet new people – one of the best ways to make new friends and future contacts for work is volunteering.
Positive change – volunteering allows you to help make change in something you are passionate about while connecting with your community by giving back & helping others, creating connections with people and making it a better place.
It makes you happy – helping others makes you happier. True story. In a poll by the National Volunteering Network, 98% of respondents said volunteering has made them happier people.
List of organisations Owen currently works with on a voluntary basis:
Treasurer of Athenry Cancer Care. http://www.athenrycancercare.com/
In December 2010 Owen released his first solo music CD, "Endless Time". “`Endless Time` is a celebration of the global success of Irish people over the past 200 years. Throughout its history this resilient race have proven itself worthy to face a great variety of challenges, which united they withstood and subsequently flourished”. All profits from this project were given to charity. His music can be viewed on YouTube. Enjoy.
Cycle Against Suicide. http://www.cycleagainstsuicide.com/
Underage coach in Galway Rowing Club. Facebook page
Athenry Folk Choir.
Athenry Simanjiro Partnership. Facebook page.
Lead singer at annual Novenas for Redemptorists Organisation. http://www.redemptorists.ie/
Junior Achievement Ireland. http://www.jai.ie/
Underage coach in Athenry Soccer Club